Sports Performance Massage

Sports massage is an integral modality of manual therapy utilized at TTPR and is a preferred treatment option for our professional sports clients. Hands on therapy includes friction, stripping, active release therapy that is key in breaking up scar tissue and affecting trigger points that can illicit pain. Sports massage is also used as an assessment option for tissue dysfunction and can be incorporated as a preventative/recovery tool if done regularly in a well planned training program.

Nijel Massage

Assisted Stretching

TTPR incorporates assisted stretching and mobility work as a treatment option to improve range-of-motion of the joints and elasticity of the muscle tissues. Assisted stretching is a go-to preventative tool for our clients to facilitate recovery and prevent injury. In our experience there is a lot of misunderstanding how to effectively incorporate a stretching program for maximum benefit. TTPR will assist and educate you how to incorporate stretching effectively in your daily life and training program.

OTC Stretching